RC Szabo Plumbing & Sewer

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Urgent Boiler Services Available – Contact Us Now!

New Boilers

Many homes still have baseboard heating or Radiant heat in concrete flooring which runs off of a boiler system.  Our experts can diagnose and service your boilers when needed we can replace filters, expansion tanks, switches, and thermostats.  We use quality boilers to install or replace your broken boiler.  We also can take care of your installation of new radiant floors whether electric or hot water based for your new construction needs.

Check out our recently installed Boilers and Repair’s below


Boiler System Repair on Home Radiator Heating System:

New Relief Valve, Shut off Valve, and Expansion Tank

KIMG0075KIMG0073Home Boiler System


Boiler System Installed in new home for Heated Floors in Basement and Garage.

Home Boiler systemsBoiler For Heated FloorsBoiler For Heated FloorsBoiler For Heated FloorsBoiler For Heated Floors

What happens when your relief valve goes bad on your home boiler?  Well long story short it works at a lower psi rating.  In this particular case the valve was randomly ejecting hot water into the home owners laundry room.  After replacing the valve it operated properly and there has been no issues since.  Installing piping off of the relief valve will control the water, should it shoot out.  If no piping is installed off of the valve it will spray out all over the wall and may possibly burn you when you get close.

Boiler repairsBoiler repairsBoiler repairsBoiler repairsBoiler repairs