Did your Water Heater Spring a Leak or Did it Stop Getting Hot?
Leaking Water Heater
What do you expect from your Plumber?
Quality Water Heaters
A Company that Always Answers the Phone…..
Fast Service When you are in Need….
A Wide Variety of Water Heaters…
Polite, Courteous, & Respectful….
Highest Quality Water Heater…
No Mess Service….
Reliability- Not Many Can Compare To
We provide a real 24/7 Service. Even if we miss your call or get disconnected we always call our customers back in a timely fashion.
We hear it all the time from our new customers that no one answered their phones. At RC Szabo Plumbing we are known for always answering our phones breaking the stigma that service plumbers are un-reliable.
Water Heaters Life expectancy range from 10 years to 15 years on average.
Having a Quality Water Heater will provide you with a longer running time. Many issues may arise over time with Water Heaters the Thermocouples may go back or the Thermostat may also stop working or malfunction we can repair your water heater instead of replacing it sometimes.
Having a Quality Trusted Brand of Water Heater Installed is important. A reputable brand such as Bradford White, which we install, makes it easy to find replacement parts and installing them without any further complications.
We especially like them because their warranty process is one of the best and easiest offered by any other company.
We Prefer to Install Bradford White Heaters For these Reasons:
Hydrojet Cleaning
Various Types & Size of Water Heater
Energy Efficient Water Heaters
HydroJet Self Cleaning Technology for less sediment build up
Energy Star Certified
Contributing PHCC Member
We Support American Made Companies
Great Warranty Process for Replacement Parts
Brass Drains are Quality Compared to Plastic and makes Future Services Easier
Replacing Old State Water Heater
If you Sprung a Leak on your Water Heater, it is Time to Replace it.
Unfortunately if your Water Heater has started leaking there is no way to repair them. Your new Water Heater is going to be so much more efficient and quite.
“It will not only save you money but it will be quieter and will heat your homes water more efficiently.” – RCS
Recirculating Line
We use only quality Water Heater for our installation when you are in need for a replacement. Our Bradford white which we use for our Gas Water Heaters is the last brand Made in the U.S this is a Quality Water Heater with no Hassles and is easy for repairs later down the road if needed.
What Kind of Water Heater do you need?
Wide Variety of Water Heaters
We offer a wide Variety of Electric Water Heaters for all situations and spaces.
Inquire about Electric Water Heaters if you are looking to make the switch there are many factors in the process.
Electric Heaters may cost more initially but you will save on your Gas and Electric Bill because all Electric Water Heaters are Energy Star Rated and are extremely efficient in their use of electricity.
In addition to their efficiency Electric Heaters provide you with Hot Water faster compared to Gas Water Heater.
No matter where you need to install your new heater, We Can Do It. Whether it is a uni-strut platform, on a stand, wall mounted, needs a platform built to hold it, or if its 200” in the air; we have you covered. Our crew has the experience and skill to install your Water Heater the best way the first time.
Commercial & Residential Water Heater Installation & Service