
RC Szabo Plumbing & Sewer

RC Szabo Plumbing van with banner promoting fast response, professional quality, and 4.6-star Google reviews.

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Leaking Pipes

In the event you are flooding or experiencing a plumbing leak it is a good idea to have a dirty water pump on hand to quickly pump the water out of your lower level or have towels handy.  Knowing where your main shutoff is or isolation points are in the event a pipe burst in order to stop the water from rushing into your home can prove to be extremely helpful.

Drain Repair
Leaking Cast Iron
Drain Repair
Horizontal Drain Line

Having the necessary tools in a secure place close to your main water supply can help you be prepared for the un-expected.  Tools you might need include a flashlight or halogen light, and pair of channel locks, a street key, and a screw driver in order to shut off your water supplies.  Make sure you call a licensed Plumber when the problem becomes too much for you to handle.

You may begin to notice higher water bills unexpectedly so taking a meter reading from your water supply before you go to sleep and then checking again in the morning to see if it has changed.  If it has the meter might have gone bad or you have a leak.

Call a RC Szabo Plumbing to diagnose the issue to provide the best and fastest solution for you. 


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